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Basic Needs Grant

This grant will provide basic necessities during an emergency for any student enrolled in the Weber School District who needs assistance. The Foundation defines “basic necessities” as what a student needs to come to school happy, healthy and prepared to learn. Examples of items which would be considered for funding are listed below.

  • Clothing
  • Dental
  • Eyeglasses
  • Shoe Assistance – Shoes for Tots
  • Medication

To apply for this grant, the school principal or counselor will need apply by clicking on the button below. If the director approves the request, it will then be forwarded to the Foundation’s executive director. Upon further evaluation, the executive director will then notify the school principal if the request has been approved or denied.

The school will need to arrange for the purchase of the items requested, pay for them out of school funds, and then send the receipt(s) to the Foundation for reimbursement. This process generally takes 5-7 business days. Requests will be granted based on availability of funds.

Basic Needs Grant Application