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Special Needs Grant

The concept of helping students with special needs started as a PTSA fundraiser in 1980 called Christmas Wonderland. Now called the Christmas Tree Jubilee, the Foundation’s signature fundraising event has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Money raised is used to purchase educational tools and specialized equipment to make education more accessible to children with special needs. Grant applications are due the first of every month. All grant applications will be reviewed by the District Administrator for Children with Special Needs and preference will be given when insurance or matching funds are available.

Examples of previously purchased equipment include wheelchairs, speech machines, hearing aids, special chairs, protective helmets, bicycles and iPads.


  • Qualified applicants for funding from the Special Needs Grant Committee (SNGC) must be educated in Weber County, have a parent or legal guardian living in the same geographical area, and attend either a Weber County or Ogden City school.
  • Funding may be requested for a child in any age group between ages 0 to 21 who has not received a high school diploma.
  • Funding requests may be approved at the SNGC level up to a maximum of $10,000.
  • The SNGC may periodically review funding requests that exceed $10,000 and make recommendations for approval to the full Weber School District Foundation Board (WSDFB). At the discretion of and with the prior approval of the WSDFB, requests exceeding $10,000 may be approved at the committee level.
  • Major funding requests require approval from the full WSDFB.

Application Process

Applications must be submitted online through the Weber School District Foundation website by the therapist or teacher who is working with the qualified student from either the Weber School District or the Ogden City School District. The therapist or teacher must fully evaluate the needs of the student prior to submitting the application to ensure that the request will meet his/her needs.

For qualified students attending schools that are not included in the Weber County or Ogden City school districts, (charter, private, etc.) the Director of Special Education for the Weber School District (or their designee) must submit all grant applications.

All applications will be reviewed by the Director of Special Education for the respective school district prior to review by the SNGC.

Special Needs Grant