The Weber School Foundation is grateful to partner with the following organizations to meet the needs of the Weber School District students.

“Meeting core curriculum requirements in science and other subject areas, Ogden Nature Center field trips provide fun, hands-on outdoor adventures taught by experts in environmental education. The Weber School Foundation has been a great partner, ensuring that all district elementary school students have the opportunity to attend one of our field trips each year.
This last school year, the Foundation paid for 3,979 students’ field trips to the Nature Center. The Foundation’s support illustrates its understanding of the value of such field trips, which provide essential background knowledge that kids need to succeed in school. Plus, kids get a chance to spend time outside and explore nature in a safe yet wild setting. We appreciate that the Foundation has made it easy for teachers to schedule a field trip with us, and we love all that the Foundation does for children. Its a win-win!”
-Mary McKinley, Executive Director, Ogden Nature Center